Common Causes of Clogged Drains

Common Causes of Clogged Drains

clog drains

Many homeowners have experienced having their drains clogged or blocked by various items for various reasons. When this happens to you, you can either try to unclog your drain manually or seek the assistance of drain cleaning professionals who use various drain machines. While the first option can save you some bucks, getting a professional can ensure that the issue will get resolved immediately.

Here are some of the common causes why drains in residential or commercial units get clogged once is a while.

Grease and Fat

In residential properties, grease and fat from food and other substances are the main causes of clogging of drains. Fatty substances, when washed down the sink, tend to stick and build up to inside of the pipes, and eventually restrict the pass through of liquid. However, this is easy to prevent. Simply keep a watchful eye over the foods and liquid being washed down the drain.


A build up of hair from the sink and the bathroom will eventually block your house’s drainage. If not solved right away, the problem can worsen, preventing water and other types of liquid from passing through. The best way to do is prevent the build up and throw away pieces of hair even before they go inside the pipes.

Foreign objects

Clogged drainage will happen when foreign objects become caught between the drainpipe and the pipes that flow underneath. These include soaps, fats, and food build up. Initially the material may not fully block the drain, but over time materials will continue to collect which will prevent water from flowing freely and could eventually cause the drain to block. Ensure that no other materials such as tissue paper, sanitary napkins, toys, and trashes are being flushed down the toilet to prevent this problem.

When the drains and the sewers in your home get clogged seriously, it is best to seek the help of professional drain cleaners or use drain machines to ensure that the problem will be completely fixed. For more information, visit us!


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